Similar entries A compendium of knowledge about .htaccess in SEO A compendium of knowledge about robots.txt in SEO Human capital in SEO Analysis of the new Google guidelines SEO PR – the golden mean in communicationAt the turn of July and August , there were significant changes in the search results. The update affects the search engine's main algorithms , it may have changed the content quality rating andor trust in individual articles and entire domains.
The greatest fluctuations have been experienced by the Mexico WhatsApp Number List medical industry, but the changes are observed in many domains in various niches. The update was implemented just days after changing the guidelines for Google validators - tens of thousands of employees from around the world who assess the quality of various results created by variants of algorithms. The recommendations given in the document do not have a direct impact on the results, but they clearly suggest which results are most desirable. The sections on the safety of searchers, the reputation of content authors, as well as the purpose of running pages have been expanded. Google employee Danny Sullivan points out the importance of the document.
Want to do well on a broad update? Have great content. Yes, same boring answer. But if you want to know what we rate as great content, read our validator guidelines. That's almost pages to consider: Search Quality Evaluator Guidelines . Source: Twitter . Implementation of changes is just ending (ultimately it lasts until the middle of the current week). At this point, a precise assessment of the subject of the update is still difficult. Initial feedback indicates possible modifications in the following areas: Content quality assessment - substantive level, compliance with facts and scientific consensus, timeliness of knowledge, source of claims; Estimating the credibility of the content - the author's signature under the article.