Energy Administration has caused considerable social controversy after the announcement of potential sites. In order to make overall planning at the level of spatial planning and avoid fragmentation of disputes among various cases, the Energy Bureau sent potential sites to the EPD for “policy environmental assessment” at the suggestion of Zhan Shungui, the then deputy director of the Environmental Protection Agency. The Environmental Protection
Agency completed the review work at the end popular database of 2016, and established common issues and countermeasures such as white dolphin protection norms, first offshore and then nearshore, etc., which has become the upper environmental guide for wind power development. Due to the common norms of policy EIA, case development has to follow the EIA operations. At the end of 2017, many cases passed the preliminary EIA review, and the total installed capacity reached 10.07GW.
Not only is it far more than the 0.61GW passed before 2016, but it is also enough to allow the Energy Bureau to carry out the follow-up "3GW selection and 2.5GW bidding" related operations. In the follow-up, from the procedure to the implementation stage, new challenges began to be encountered, such as local communication and coordination at the social level affected by local fishery work and life, and the impact of the epidemic on construction. Work slowly but in an orderly manner and seek a common solution.