Starting your podcast can take a lot of time. Using hosting software can make it a little easier for you. A hosting software like Buzzsprout or Riverside are great options to distribute your podcast. In one place, you can store your episodes, edit your description and images, and publish your podcast on directories like Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and more. Plus, if you have any questions, both of the software I mentioned have great customer support and guides. Feedback from your listeners can help you make your podcast even better.
You don’t necessarily have to ask for positive or negative feedback, you can ask for topics or guests that they would like to hear on your show. You can also ask for ratings on the site that your podcast is listed on. For example, adding a call to action at the end of your episode to leave a 5-star review on Apple Podcast. These reviews will Business Phone List make your podcast look appealing to new listeners, and Apple will be more likely to suggest podcasts with high ratings to relevant listeners. Check Out Our Podcast Down, But Not Out Recently our CEO, Nick Hollinger, has started his very own podcast, Down, But Not Out. In his podcast, Nick and his guests talk about how entrepreneurs make mistakes, and how they were able to save their business from going under.
We love talking about entrepreneurial success stories, but we don’t talk about their struggles and hardships enough. Down, But Not Out is meant to inspire future entrepreneurs, while motivating current ones to keep fighting for their business. Wrap Up We found that this list came in handy when launching our podcast. Starting a podcast is hard, but it can increase your business and personal brand recognition as well as building a more personal relationship with your listeners. Don’t forget to differentiate yourself from other podcasts on the market to truly stand out. I hope you enjoyed this guide on how to start a podcast!
For the boss, GSP, his guidelines have been set high to such an extent that this battle is an opportunity for him to vindicate the last round he lost in a battle period that happened quite a while back in their unique battle at UFC 74.